Frequently Ask Questions on Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a disorder that causes male breast tissue to expand. While the precise etiology of gynecomastia is not always known, a number of factors might contribute to its development. Dr. Medha Bhave, a renowned plastic surgeon known for providing gynecomastia surgery in Thane has discussed the most commonly asked questions about gynecomastia. 

Causes of gynecomastia

Several factors lead to gynecomastia. Here are some probable explanations:

  • Hormonal Imbalances: Gynecomastia can occur as a result of hormonal abnormalities between estrogen (female hormone) and testosterone (male hormone). Estrogen promotes breast tissue development, whereas testosterone inhibits it. Imbalances might arise as a result of puberty, aging, or certain medical disorders.
  • Puberty: During puberty, gynecomastia is rather frequent. During this time of life, hormonal shifts can temporarily disturb the estrogen-testosterone balance, causing breast tissue to develop.
  • Aging: Hormone levels in males might fluctuate as they age. Testosterone levels may fall while estrogen levels stay consistent, resulting in an imbalance and possible breast tissue development.
  • Medications: As a side effect, several drugs might induce gynecomastia. Some antipsychotics, anti-anxiety meds, antibiotics, heart medications, chemotherapy treatments, and other medications may fall under this category.
  • Health Conditions: Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of medical illnesses and disorders. These include liver and renal illness, thyroid diseases, tumors that produce hormones, and obesity.
  • Substance Abuse: Certain substances, including anabolic steroids, marijuana, alcohol, and illegal drugs, can disturb hormone levels and cause gynecomastia.

Does Exercise Correct Man Boobs?

Depending on the underlying reason, regular exercise can help lessen the appearance of “man boobs” or gynecomastia to some extent. It is crucial to remember, however, that exercise alone may not be enough to remove gynecomastia in all situations. Exercise’s effectiveness in lowering breast tissue is mostly determined by the etiology of the breasts (glandular vs. fat tissue) and the underlying cause of gynecomastia.

If breast augmentation is caused mostly by extra fat tissue, decreasing weight through a combination of aerobic and strength training activities can help reduce overall body fat, including fat in the chest area. Incorporating chest-muscle-targeting activities like chest presses, push-ups, and dumbbell flyes can also help improve chest muscle tone and lessen the look of gynecomastia.

However, if the breast enlargement is mostly due to glandular tissue or a hormonal imbalance, exercise may not be enough to treat the disease. In such circumstances, it is best to seek the advice of a plastic surgeon who can assess the underlying reason and provide suitable treatment choices, which may include medication or surgery.

To address gynecomastia, a complete strategy is required, which may involve lifestyle modifications, targeted workouts, and medication procedures, depending on the specific situation. A plastic surgeon will be able to give tailored advice depending on the unique circumstances.

How is Gynecomastia Treated?

The treatment of gynecomastia, or male breast growth, is determined by the underlying etiology and the severity of the problem. Here are some treatment alternatives to think about:

  • Monitoring: Gynecomastia may resolve on its own in certain situations, particularly if it begins during puberty. A gynecomastia doctor may propose regular monitoring without any particular therapy if the problem is moderate and not causing considerable discomfort or anguish.
  • Medications: In some cases, medications may be recommended to treat gynecomastia. If an underlying hormonal imbalance is discovered, for example, hormone treatment may be utilized to restore the balance of estrogen and testosterone. To inhibit breast tissue growth, drugs such as tamoxifen or raloxifene, which are selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), may be administered.
  • Surgical Intervention: Surgical procedures may be explored if gynecomastia continues or causes substantial physical or psychological distress. Two common surgical procedures are:

a. Liposuction: When gynecomastia is caused predominantly by extra fatty tissue, this surgery is beneficial. It involves removing fat with a tiny incision.

b. Mastectomy: Mastectomy may be performed when gynecomastia involves significant glandular tissue or extra skin. This technique eliminates extra skin and glandular tissue from the breast, giving it a flatter chest shape. 

Is there Noticeable Scarring After Surgery?

Scarring following gynecomastia surgery might vary based on the surgical technique utilized as well as personal characteristics such as skin elasticity and healing capacity. To obtain the greatest cosmetic effect, competent surgeons attempt to minimize scarring and make incisions in inconspicuous spots.

Small incisions are often placed in the natural creases or curves of the chest during liposuction procedures, which helps to conceal any accompanying scars. These incisions are typically tiny, ranging in length from a few millimeters to a centimeter, and heal effectively with minimal scarring.

A mastectomy surgery may be performed when glandular tissue or extra skin must be removed. Larger incisions are used, generally around the areola or in the natural fold under the breast. The surgeon will make every attempt to conceal or minimize incisions inside these areas. The resultant scars may be more visible at first, but they fade and become less obvious with time.

To promote maximum healing and reduce the danger of severe scarring, it is critical to follow the post-operative care recommendations suggested by the surgeon. While scars are an unavoidable feature of any surgical treatment, most men find that the advantages of gynecomastia surgery exceed the risks of scarring, and the scars fade with time.

To know more about gynecomastia surgery in Thane, visit the Laser Cosmesis Best Plastic surgery Clinic in thane, today.

Book an appointment now.

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